About the calligrapher.

“ Calligraphy is like a long and curious journey, slowly unfolding upon the paper…

an Odyssey of the Line” -Chelsie Lawrence


My name is Chelsie and I’m a calligrapher and greeting card designer based in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Kalamazoo! So much fun to say, ha ha. Anyways, I live with my husband and 5 of our children. We actually have 6, but one is an adult living on his own now!

I started learning calligraphy in 2019. It started out as a thought that just popped in my head one day. I wondered what it would be like to dip that old fashioned pen into a bunch of ink, to write fancy letters to people, and have my beautiful writing admired by all. (oh brother) My curiosity and questions started to pile up in my mind until I finally went to the store and bought the darn thing. Of course, the first time I bought all the wrong stuff. After a little research I succeeded on my second shopping trip.

I started writing to my sister who at the time was in the Navy. Those letters were such a mess. I’m talking ink blobs, smears and coated fingertips. It was so hard at first! I tried my hardest to write in my best cursive! Here’s the thing, calligraphy is not like cursive! It’s an artform with specific strokes. These special strokes I learned make up each letter. Sometimes very meticulous and measured precisely. Once I understood this, I was hooked! It went from stressful mess to deep meditation and relaxation.

Since 2019 I have taken two courses and a 10 hour one on one workshop. I love to talk about calligraphy and I have a hard time not thinking about it… it’s my thing.